Apple-y Goodness
Welcome to my cooking show. Today we will be making Apple Crisp. Just follow these simple steps to a wonderful apple-y goodness!Step 1: Find recipe (the one your mom has always used is most tasty).

Step 3: Get apples. Ones grown close to home are best.

Step 5: Clean up apple cores. Or leave them on your counter. This step is really up to the individual. Composting highly recommended.
Step 6: Sprinkle cinnamon onto apple pieces. How much cinnamon? More than the photo below.
Step 7: Turn on oven to the apples preference. These apples like 350 (something about a lucky number).
Step 8: Get rest of ingredients from cupboard.

Step 11: Set timer to 40 minutes and cook until the apple-y goodness turns into warm apple-y goodness. Enjoy!

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