"What a Very, Very, Very Fine House...."
As much as I'd like to continue to post photos, for now my camera has been put back into it's case in an attempt to work like a mad man (woman) on our house reno. It's hard living without a kitchen or a roof (well, the water repelling portion on the roof), so I can't take renoing time away for editing photos.
Hopefully my next post will be accompanied by a happy dance, a "finally finished" jig perhaps.
Until then!
This photo acutally didn't get much photoshopping done to it, the sun was just going down and it seems like no light was hitting the back of the tree.
Reflecting Upon Life
A reflection of a reflection.
Peaking through the gate, this is Doley's world. The keeper of the yard. Past the gate, walk at ye own risk.
And bring a wetsuit, slobber can be messy.
Appearances are
deceiving. Though an interesting rubbery texture (not very cake-like), this "cake" wasn't making anybodies taste buds dance (well, maybe they were doing the chicken dance).

Love from Above
The only cloud in the sky was a heart cloud!
I have taken the day off and handed the blog and camera over to the dog.
I have finally gotten a photo of the (not so) rare and slightly elusive cookie. Usually found hiding in their natural habitat, the metal tin, they were left unattended basking in the open air. As the consious hunter that I am, I did not touch the easy prey. I like to work for the capture, luring the cookie in by my tricks of sitting and shaking a paw.
Next time cookies, you may not be so lucky.

What is This?
One question; do you know what this is? Other than really handy and on sale.

(They are my "super duper" hot pads.)
Photos of Little Miss Clementine, the puppy we were dog sitting last week.

Excuses, Excuses
I changed purses this morning (it needs to match my shoes you know!) and I forgot to move over my jump drive, so I have no photos.
After a vacation, ever notice you have no money left? This is now the contents of our bank account!