This photo just reminds me of a dream. Full of such randomness, but seems like it makes some sort of sense. Atleast to me...but I did work twelve hours yesterday, so it could just random.
Spring has Sprung
Spring has sprung
Winter is no more
Summer is to come
And fall is in store
Time to offload all the photos I still have with snow!

Time in the Snow
The last day of winter, and it doesn't seem like winter anymore...but I still have some winter photos to share.
It is Spring!
Have a Seat
I need one...
Reed Diffuser
Not only does it freshen the air and look nice...it is photogenic too! A triple threat!
No More Snow
So we don't really have any more snow (and tomorrow is supposed to be plus 14), so these photos seem nice now. When you aren't cursing it, snow is so pretty.
Birdy's Nest