Crystal Ball
Light shining through crackle glass at night is a really interesting thing.
More Metal Part 2
My first flower.
More Metal
One of the flowers that I made; my tulip.
This is a bee I made for the garden. It now has a flower planted in the pot-but I took the photo before that...
It's Friday!

Tree Buds
Spring Sprung!
My gardens are in full bloom now, but this week's photos are from a couple weeks ago, when the world became green again!
A Great Saturday
Forcast for Saturday:
Lots of reading due to showers ending in the morning then cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers.
Flying Trucks
Apparently, so I've been told, the following adventure makes me a redneck. YEA-HAW!
Another Find
With some elbow grease, not so silver finds can sparkle again!
More Finds
I was so excited when I found this dish; perfect for cranberries at Christmas!!
New Treasures
A few photos of one of the items we picked up at the thrift store!
My Favourite
This is my favourite Tulip photo of the week:
"Although tulips are associated with Holland, both the flower and its name originated in the Persian empire. The a flower indigenous to Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and other parts of Central Asia. Although, it is unclear who first brought the flower to northwest Europe, it is the Turks who made tulip known in Europe."
Who knew!?
Who Knew
Who knew that the tulips that excaped from the garden would be so hard to mow over.
Tulip Continue
It is the week of the tulip; I have declared it!